Wednesday 13 November 2013

A Time When I Was Successful by Ana


I can feel my heart pounding through my chest. Why me? Why does she want to see me? The question thrashes around in my head sending streaks of pain to my temple. 

The clicking of heels echo around me as Miss Phillips and I exit the classroom and make our way to the office. Usually you go to the Principal for bad reasons, or so everyone says. But I don't recall doing anything bad lately. As I let my mind wander off into this situation my body calms. I start to relax even. But as I pass Room 7's door, anxiousness fills my body, right to the top of my head. I hardly have time to react...

Now I'm waiting. Just outside the door, ready to be welcomed in. Then I hear it, her voice, just behind the door saying, "Come in!"

I cautiously make my way in and Miss Phillips closes the door behind me. Mrs McNeil then instructs me to stand where I can see the screen of her computer. I choose to stand right behind her. She begins to speak. She talks about all this stuff about ICAS and other things academic and then just as my mind starts to wander off, the words come and they say "You got a High Distinction for English." 

All I can say is "Wow!" Instantly I feel like I have been frozen for a million years.

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